Sunday, December 25, 2005


I don't know about you but I'm bored on this Christmas afternoon. The google video of the day blog is reporting that a collection of Wallace and Gromit - Cracking Contraptions shows have appeared on google video. The entire clip is 24 minutes long. These used to be published on atom films ever so often, but it took off and now they are being sold on dvds and otherwise hard to find. There is also a Wallace and Gromit movie now. They are all hilarious, so go take a look and enjoy. The official Wallace and Gromit Site is here.

If you are looking for some more short film entertainment be sure to check out these sites as well:

Ifilm (from the animator at
Weebl's stuff
Albino Black Sheep
JibJab (political)

Enjoy the videos and any new toys from Christmas ;)

1 comment:

Ben said...

Thanks for the feedback and compliments! On a less positive note, I would ask that you try and keep them "G" rated, that is please don't mention things you wouldn't want your kids to read (I'm only 16 my self). That said, I understand that you are trying to promote your site. I would prefer not to have to use comment moderation, so I will leave the post for now, but if it becomes chronic I will have to do something.

Thanks Again,
Ben (Author of this Blog)