Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Online Reference

Many people use the Internet (particularly the World Wide Web) to find information on a specific subject. Usually a quick search will get you what you want, but there are some handy reference sites that may help you find it faster. For example, I find dictionary.com very helpful. As I'm sure you can guess, dictionary.com is an online dictionary, but it also has a thesaurus and a relatively new encyclopedia function (which only seems to search wikipedia). Dictionary.com searches a few online dictionaries, and usually gives you a variety of possible definitions. If you don't like Dictionary.com, you could also use Merriam-Webster's site (m-w.com) which includes a dictionary and thesaurus that will pronounce words for you.

As far as encyclopedias go, many people like Wikipedia, although you run the risk of inaccurate data/vandalism because it is written by the community (though with a conventional encyclopedia, you don't know if the editor/writer knows what he/she is talking about either). If you prefer a more closed encyclopedia, you might want to try MSN Encarta, though it does cost some money to get full articles sometimes.

These are some good/popular resources to get you started, but what do you like? feel free to comment ;-)

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