Friday, June 16, 2006

Soccer World Cup, in ASCII?

If you are a soccer fan, and a computer geek this just might be for you. I saw this post while idly sorting through my rss feeds this afternoon, and found it interesting, if a bit weird. It looks like you can watch the world cup, live, in ASCII over telnet from if you are so inclined. Right now, there is simply a message saying that the feed starts 10 minutes before a game (whenever that is). If you aren't familiar with ASCII, take a look at the Wikipedia Page, but basically its a simple standard for representing letters.  If you are new to telnet, you can just type "telnet 2006" at a command prompt on most operating systems. If you use Windows, PuTTY might give you a better experience (enter as the host, 2006 as the port and select telnet as the protocol).

If you are looking for some more fun with ASCII art, check out

ASCII Art Generators, such as this one

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