Monday, December 18, 2006

Digitizing old Music

Since I don't have time to write much of my own these days, I thought you might be interested in Lifehacker's short guide to digitizing cassette tapes. This basic method also works for records, though you may need some extra hardware and an amplifier. I found that with my nforce2 motherboard's integrated sound I can wire an unamplified record player directly into line in and just up the volume with software while maintaining reasonable quality. It would be better to use an amplifier (even better, one that can take out all the noise associated with records so you don't have to do it with software). You should be able to get everything you need at your local RadioShack or equivalent. Audacity, which Lifehacker suggests is a great app, but if your using Linux, I suggest you also look at Rezound which has some nice filters to try and reduce the noise a bit. You may also be able to get mplayer/mencoder to clean up your audio for you, but I haven't tried it (look at mplayer -af help)

At any rate, this is a good rainy day project (seems like it never snows anymore). Anyone have any other suggestions for fairly automated filtering software to cleanup audio from older sources?

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