Thursday, January 26, 2006

A few quick Links

Well, I have been pretty busy, with testing, but I found a few cool links for you.

First off, pointed out by GVOD is a clip on google video about the bad side of macs. Anyone has used an os9 or earlier mac (some of this applies to osX as well) should get a good laugh, though there is a little bad language.

In other news, a new gaim beta is out (haven't tried it yet). Still no video/audio support yet (unless you try this version)

If you want to get away from your computer for awhile, lifehacker is linking which offers a route planner for running based on google maps.

Speaking of google maps, google has added more levels of zoom to google local, as well as some new imagery (particularly in the UK) The google blog post has some interesting spots linked.

Reading my comments this afternoon, I noticed that someone was looking for info on Wireless networking. This has been added to my "todo" list of posts, but for now let me suggest that you enable some kind of encryption, even though it is a bit more work. Even though wep can be cracked ( in a couple of minutes it still keeps casual wardrivers out.

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