Sunday, January 15, 2006


I don't know how I missed this when it came out, but Kevin Rose and friends have released a new episode of "Systm"

For those who don't know, "Systm" is put out by Kevin Rose and some other former TechTV (from before G4 spoiled it) personalities. Each episode of "Systm" has been about one or two things you can do with computers, kind of video HOWTOs. This episode is about asterisk (haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet). Before systm, Kevin also had (has?) a show called "thebroken" which was about the more "shady" parts of computing. Both series are informative and well put together, though I personally prefer 'thebroken" in most respects. Kevin's new site, revision3, also has a couple podcasts.

Enjoy the show(s)

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