Saturday, April 22, 2006

How to Purchase a Computer

As promised...

People have been asking me how to buy a computer for college, in particular. (If this is what your doing, I'd check with your college before buying anything). As long as it meets all your software's requirements, Any computer should be fine, but there are a number of considerations in purchasing an ideal computer.

I wrote an article about the basic considerations in purchasing a computer, and put it up on my "Google page" for your enjoyment. If it leaves you with questions please let me know and I will try to get back to you with some answers and add them to the article. Note that this was mostly written in the car, on I90 so if there are any errors I apologize, and please point them out (either by email or comment on this post). I am very busy these days, so If I don't answer in a few days, I will after my tests (2nd week in May).

After reading the article, you might want to look back at this post for some info on online shopping and finding discounts.

If you haven't already go read it here!

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