Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I've been indexed by Google!

This is a somewhat boring post, but I'm happy so I'm posting anyway ;-)
Google has finally indexed this blog and its first 7 posts (pitiful, but its a start).
I would like to use google sitemaps but I can't verify because I can't put a normal text file on the server, so I guess I have to be content with being indexed at all. The metadata needs work too, but I can fix that.

For those of you who don't know, google sitemaps is a beta service that allows you to tell google what is on your site and how you want it indexed. It also gives you some statistics about your site. Unfortunately they require you to put a file of their choosing on the root of the server (or the directory of your site, for example it would be mben12.blogspot.com/google-randomstring.txt for me) which blogger doesn't seem to allow. If anyone has a way around this please do post in the comments. For any webmasters out there, sitemaps can be found here.
If you need a google account feel free to email mben12@gmail.com and I will send you a gmail invite to get you started.

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